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Searchable online discussions consist of newsgroups (also called Usenet news), mailing lists (also called discussion lists, or listservs) and web forums. You can read newsgroups online. (You may have to configure your browser with the address of the news server.) You generally have to subscribe to mailing lists, either on the Web or via email. Any items of news or discussion posted to the list are then sent to you by email. Web forums may be live for an hour or for several weeks.
Some tools help you simply find the group or forum, which you can later join or read online. Other tools both find the group and allow you to search archives of past discussions. If you belong to a mailing list, it may also be separately archived and searchable at the site where it is managed. It is worth checking the welcome message when you joined the group to check on the archiving of discussions.
Guide to Internet information sources for Australian journalists
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