OZCAR - an email list for Australian journalists and journalism educators

Join ozcar to share news, information, advice, talk, and announcements about

Traffic on the list is reasonably light. If you don't like the service, come back to this page for instructions on how to UNSUBSCRIBE at any time. The list is moderated to protect you from spam (junk email) and viruses. The list is open to anyone with an interest in this area, but should not be used by journalism students seeking help with assignments.

To join the list, send an email to


Leave the subject line blank. In the body of the message, type

subscribe ozcar

Turn off your email signature for this message. Send the message. You should receive a confirmation message from majordomo that your request succeeded.

Sending messages to the list

Once you have joined, you can send messages to the list. The email address for the list (as opposed to the address to join the list) is


To leave the list (this is called unsubscribing), send an email to


Leave the subject line blank. In the body of the message, type

unsubscribe ozcar

Turn off your email signature for this message. Send the message. You should receive a confirmation message from majordomo that you have been unsubscribed.

Belinda Weaver is the list-owner and moderator. If you have any queries about ozcar, you can contact her via an email message to belinda@journoz.com.

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