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Ethical Australian Journalists Guide


August 26, 2003

Freebie Beeb

In a startling outburst of generosity, the BBC has announced plans to make all its archive content - from TV, radio, and online - available for free to anyone in the UK who wants to use it. All those media organisations out there trying to flog off their content for big bucks must be feeling ill now, as the BBC is such a marvellous source - who would pay for someone else's content when you can get BBC quality for nothing? The full text of BBC chairman Greg Dyke's speech, where the plans were announced, is at Materials from the BBC's Creative Archive, as the initiative will be called, will be "available to anyone in the UK to download so long as they don't use them for commercial purposes". Posted by belinda at August 26, 2003 12:36 PM
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